November 18, 2021
Legislative Update-COVID Restrictions on Collections and Judgment Enforcement
M. Tracey Brooks, Shenker Russo & Clark, LLP, Albany, NY
The program will discuss how recent collection legislation in both the U.S. Congress and the New York State Legislature has been impacted over the last 18 months because of COVID and a changing of the guard in Washington, D.C, including but not limited to: H.R. 2547, the Comprehensive Debt Collection Improvement Act; H.R. 1671, the Securing Consumers Against Misrepresented Debt Act., A6617A, Weinstein; S7230, Kaplan.
9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Creditors’ Rights Best Practices-Virtual/Telephonic Litigation
Ben H. Farrow, Anderson Williams & Farrow, Montgomery, AL
William H. Thrush, Friedman, Framme & Thrush, PA, Owings Mill, MD
Virtual litigation arrived with the pandemic and is here to stay is some ways. This look at the courtroom of tomorrow will help you not only survive, but thrive in the new virtual world. We will provide tips, tricks, strategies, and best practices so you can persuade a court while in your PJs.
11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
TRIADIC PANEL: Motivate Your Staff in the Virtual World
Patrick Kilburn, Lloyd & McDaniel, PLC, Louisville, KY
John Chotkowski, Commercial Collection Corp. of NY, Tonawanda, NY
This presentation will focus on the challenges companies face with remote work environments and how best to overcome these challenges and successfully interact with and motivate staff who are no longer physically present in the office. There will be a focus on how these challenges differ based on generational differences and how to best use these differences to your advantage.
1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
The New CFPB Rule – The Carnival Ride Continues
Donald Mausar, Weltman Weinberg & Reis Co., LPA, Cleveland, OH
This program will be a high-level overview of the new CFPB Rule including historical reference points, an overview of the New Rule, commercial collection touchpoints, and opportunities for best practices and practical practice tips. 75 minutes of lights flashing and head spinning information.
3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.